Sunday, March 8, 2020

CoSchedule For Agencies The Way to Organize Client Projects

For Agencies The Way to Organize Client Projects Ahh†¦ the double-edged sword of managing multiple clients. More clients = more positive growth  ($$$) 💠°Ã°Å¸â€™ °Ã°Å¸â€™ ° but it also means Keeping track of MORE  projects†¦ more  goals†¦ more  industry guidelines + brand standards†¦ AND more  deadlines! All of which you must  become intimately acquainted with  and orchestrate  with precision Introducing, your NEW secret weapon: for Agencies. Manage All Your Clients In One Place. Eliminate the need for spreadsheets, email threads, and multiple platforms! Get all your clients under one roof. Simplify Your Team’s Workflows Collaboration. Easily facilitate real time collaboration with your clients, stay on track with client tasks, and execute on projects faster. Create Campaigns Social Content For One Client (Or Many). Schedule dozens of social messages in seconds + streamline the collaboration process between your internal and client teams with everything in one place. Improve Client Retention With Data. No more warm fuzzies! Prove the value of all your hard work with real data! Utilize ’s Social Engagement Report to measure your success and improve client retention. Customize To Fit Your Client’s Needs. is designed for flexibility. As your clientele grows, so should your tool. With the Agency pack, you’ll get ’s Multiple Calendars feature; allowing you to create unique calendars + analytic reports for every client. The Growth Plan + Agency Pack gives you (and your team) the tools to keep track of every client and every project in one place.